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  • Client category

    legal entities – enterprises of any legal form and individual entrepreneurs who meet the criteria of the Affordable Factoring Program*, as well as

    • supply food and/or industrial goods produced in Ukraine;
    • have no negative credit history with the Bank and other banks according to the Credit Register;
    • have been operating in the market for at least 1 year;
    • have a strong financial position and stable current account receipts from core business activities
  • Credit object

    increase in the volume of working capital

  • Currency

    Hryvnia (UAH)

  • Deliveries per month (average for the last 3 months)

    not less than UAH 100,000 (one hundred thousand) per month

  • Amount of advance payment (percentage of advance payment)

    up to 80% of the total amount of received rights of monetary claim against the Debtor

  • Maximum funding limit per group of related Clients

    UAH 150 million together with crediting, leasing and factoring 5-7-9

  • Total term of factoring services

    No more than 360 days

  • Principal term of financing

    no more than 180 calendar days

  • Additional financing term

    no more than 14 calendar days

  • Compensation interest rate

    13% per annum

  • Fees:
    - one-time
    - for settlement services of factoring payment
    • up to 1.5% of the amount of limits on Debtors on the day of conclusion of the factoring agreement
    • 0,1% of the amount of received rights of monetary claim against the Debtor, but not more than 3% of the maximum limit
  • Type of collateral

    Financial guarantee of an individual – the owner of the Client / financial guarantee of another legal entity / without collateral

  • Individual conditions

    Individual conditions may be set by the decision of the Credit Committee

*Conditions of participation

the business entity is not a person whose member (shareholder) or key management personnel are citizens of a state recognized by Ukraine as an aggressor state or occupying state and/or a person who belongs or has belonged to terrorist organizations, a legal entity in which a person who belongs or has belonged to a terrorist organization is a member (shareholder) or a UBO, no personal sanctions have been imposed on the business entity or related parties of the business entity by Ukraine, foreign member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or the EU;

the business entity is registered and carries out business activities on the territory of Ukraine (except for the territories of active hostilities and the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, included in the list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted or temporarily occupied by the РВ, approved by the order of the Ministry of Reintegration, for which the date of completion of hostilities or temporary occupation is not determined);

the business entity, together with the members of the group of related counterparties, has not received state aid in the last three calendar years in excess of the amount equivalent to EUR 200 thousand, determined at the official exchange rate set by the NBU as of the last day of the financial year**;

the business entity is not subject to the restrictions on the provision of state support set forth in Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Development and State Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Ukraine";

a current account opened with an authorized factor;

non-cash form of settlements with debtors (debtors);

bankruptcy proceedings have not been initiated against the business entity.

**The limitation of the amount of state support set forth in sub-clause 3 of this clause shall not apply to business entities engaged in agricultural production and fishing, as well as during martial law.

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